I Don’t Quit

A threat? A promise? President Barack Obama ended his State of The Union speech with a clear statement of his personal resolve and optimism. He was forceful. He was clear. For one hour last night, Barack Obama was the guy who ran for the presidency last year. It was a strong performance.

How strong? The initial reaction on Fox News was subdued and restrained. MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow, and Chris Matthews seemed reinvigorated and emboldened.

This blog, Health Insurance Issues With Dave, deals with one particular issue, health care, So what did the President say about our issue last night? The quick answer – not too much.

Thirty-two minutes into his speech, President Obama touched upon health care. He mentioned that he had gotten close to passing legislation. He noted that his plan was not politically popular. He admitted that they, he and the Democrats in Congress, had handled this badly. He acknowledged emerging trust issues. He dared the Republicans to offer alternate suggestions. But that’s it.

There were no specific goals. No mention of shared sacrifice. No direction. And in the end, at no point did President Obama take the time to explain what he was going to do to make changes in our health care system more possible, productive and palpable. He threw the ball back to Congress where the Democrats will muck it up and the Republicans will dig in their heels.

President Obama said that he won’t quit. Great. I don’t want him to quit. I want him to start.



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4 Responses to I Don’t Quit

  1. Donna says:

    I was just remarking recently that I would hope the President could manage to work with the Republicans diplomatically to pass a bipartisan measure. But after hearing about (I fell asleep 10 minutes into it) how the Republicans were sneering and contemptuous during the address, perhaps the President knows something that I don't know, such as the Republicans will collaborate on a health care bill when Hell freezes over.

    Now the only question I have is were they that defiant before or after Obama tried to steamroll something past them. I have a feeling they were that way BEFORE. I remember the old advice that you shouldn't even bother trying to get along with a bully. Probably he saw this and acted accordingly.

  2. Dave Cunix says:

    The Republicans have no incentive to work with Obama. His personal popularity doesn't extend past that, personal. He can't make things happen. No coattails. His defeats at everything from the Olympics to Congressional and gubanatorial races show that he is admired and respected, but not followed. He has to sell his vision, not his brand.

  3. Susie Sharp says:

    I voted for Obama – the first time I voted for a Democrat – because I liked his ideals – they seemed kind of 'Kennedy-esque' to me. Now he needs to grow a pair, stop trying to play footsie with the opposition and GIT'R DUN. I need to see more Commander and less Chief.

  4. markincleveland says:

    Personally I believe there is no question we needed some health insurance reform, but what we go was far too reaching, far to grandiose.

    I am active in a nation organization for a specific illness. Because of that I've see first hand what a mess government can make of a simple heathcare issue that has no opposition.

    Three years ago a change was made in the Medicare pricing for one of the very expensive, life saving drugs that our patients require. The change in pricing made it impossible for our patients to receive this mediation at home or in their physician's office. The cost to buy the drug is more than the government will pay them by at least $500 per patient per month. So all of the patients now have to go to a hospital for their medication. The problems, number 1 it costs the government more than it did before because the hospitals charge more for the administration of the drug. Number 2 is we are sending the immune compromised patients into hospitals where there are sick people, with lots of contagious germs all around. Our organization has had legislation introduced in the last three congresses, but we've never got it passed. There is no opposition to it. this year the bill was sponsored in the Senate by John Kerry. Everyone admits it was a lousy unintended consequence. Now the problem is private heath insurers are taking Medicare's lead and are making the same stupid change. Is this what we are in store for as the government takes a larger role in managing the nation's healthcare system?

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