Tag Archives: Texas

In Other Breaking News

The President was bragging.  The car radio, tuned to CNN, was playing President Trump’s press conference.  Among his other claims of success, real or imagined, was his victory, yesterday, in the Supreme Court.  He quickly corrected himself and changed it … Continue reading

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They Suffer Least Who Suffer What They Choose

The song is American Gothic.  The artist, David Ackles.  I remember where I was when I first heard an odd song about an unsuccessful farmer and his less-than-faithful spouse.  The payoff was the last line, “They suffer least who suffer … Continue reading

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He Doesn’t Give A Damn

I was lamenting Friday night’s court decision in Texas.  Across from me was a doctor, a really smart guy, who was not displeased.  Upon prodding he finally agreed that many people, perhaps millions of Americans, might have reason to be … Continue reading

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Deep In the Heart(less) Of Texas

  We don’t need no health insurance We don’t need no safety net The political leaders, all of them well-insured, have the people of Texas singing a bastardized version of Pink Floyd’s Another Brick in the Wall, Part 2.  “We … Continue reading

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